Water Tank construction at Ihanda primary school Karagwe

With cooperation from Engineers without Borders Sweden, the community and the Karagwe district Council, KARUDECA constructed an above the ground rain water harvesting tank at Ihanda Primary schools in Karagwe District Karagwe Tanzania. The tank serves a community of 400 students and 20 teachers to get safe drinking water at school. This serves their time and now they have enough time to study rather than going some kilometres to fetch water.

Financial Education project

In partnership with SBFIC Germany, KARUDECA implemented a financial education project in the Karagwe district of Tanzania. This initiative, conducted from 2018 to 2019, reached approximately 10,000 students across five primary schools and six secondary schools. The curriculum covered crucial financial and saving skills aimed at preparing students for the future. Key topics included saving, responsible consumption, family budgeting, distinguishing between needs and wants, and understanding credit.

World saving week 2016, 2017 and 2018

Again, with partnership from SBIFIC and TPB Bank, KARUDECA implemented a world saving week in Karagwe Tanzania. During the week, the team from SBFIC, KARUDECA and TPB bank visited 30 schools both primary and secondary to sensitize students, parents, teachers and the general community about the importance of saving. About 30,000 people from Karagwe and the neighbouring districts got time to learn about saving skills and financial education. Mass media including local radios, newspapers and Televisions were used to disseminate the knowledge.

Poultry Project.

KARUDECA, in collaboration with SBFIC, initiated a poultry project involving school children at Chanika Primary School in Karagwe, Tanzania. This project was designed to cultivate entrepreneurial and saving skills among the young students in Karagwe. By engaging the children in hands-on poultry farming activities, the initiative aimed to provide them with practical business experience and financial literacy. Additionally, the project had the added benefit of helping the pupils meet their educational needs, ensuring they had the necessary resources for their schooling. Through this dual approach, the program sought to empower the children with essential life skills while also supporting their academic progress.

Child Empowerment Project.

In partnership with Liliane Foundation and KCBRP Tanzania, KARUDECA is currently implementing a child empowerment project to Children with Disabilities in Kyerwa district, Kagera region TanzaniaThe project is using CBR approach to support the children in Kyerwa district-Tanzania.

Support of Basic Vocational Education to Microfinance institutions in Karagwe District

With support from SBFIC-German we implemented this project from 2016 to 2018.The project aimed at training boards, management and members of 20 Microfinance institutions in Karagwe Tanzania. A total 2,000 SACCOS members were trained. The courses taught were product development, Credit appraisal, Strategic planning, Leadership and Management, entrepreneurship skills, risk management and customer care. The project really transformed the microfinance sector in Karagwe Tanzania.


Sexual and Reproductive Health Education among Teenagers in Kagera region Tanzania.

This project aims to enhance teenagers understanding of sexual and Reproductive health education among both teenage girls and boys in primary and secondary schools in Kagera region Tanzania.The project specifically aims at fighting new HIV/AIDS transmission among Teenagers,early marriages and unplanned pregnancies among the young generation in Tanzania.The projects is expected to enhance students academic and scholarship rate and success among young population in Tanzania.

Civil society Organizations(CSOs) Capacity building project.

This project aims to equip civil society Organizations in Tanzania so that they can operate professional y and sustainably.This project is feasible because , Tanzania has many  registered organisations which are not well functioning. The capacity building will enhance their capacities in resources mobilization s and management hence make them capable of helping the people of Tanzania in attaining the Millennium development Goals(MDGs).

Rugera WASH project.

The Rugera WASH project aims to provide safe and clean water to the 7,000 residents of the Rugera ward in Karagwe district Tanzania.In cooperation with our partners, we are currently finishing up the need assessment and project implementation model.The project will rehabilitate 13 water sources which are currently not functioning and build new water tanks in school,health centers and other community facilities.99% of the residents of Rugera live under poverty line hence the project is planning to include a VSL component to enhance the residents livelihood capacities and finally transform their lives.

                          project overview


                water tank project